Saturday, July 6, 2013

Jim Beam Peaches

I don't have a better name for this because I just made it up, but I think Jim Beam Peaches sums it up.  I think it's still a bit early for peaches (actually, I have no clue, I just overheard someone say that at the Farmer's Market today, so I've repeated  it a few times so I sound knowledgeable about this kind of thing), but nonetheless, a nice gentleman had a table full of them at the Farmer's Market this mornings.  I love peaches, so I bought a basket and added them to my Thirty-One Fresh Market Thermal with my blueberries. (Shameless plug? No, not at all. But if you want a Thirty-One Fresh Market Thermal, feel free to visit

For Jim Beam Peaches you will need: Unsalted butter, Jim Beam, cinnamon, nutmeg, brown sugar, vanilla extract (or a vanilla bean if you've got one!) and peaches.  You will probably want some sort of dairy (I poured a little bit of unsweeted almond milk on mine, mainly because I try not to keep ice cream in the house, but ice cream would work great!)  I also drizzled some honey on top.  To start, slice up a few peaches, depending on how many you are serving. Put butter, Beam, cinnamon, nutmeg, and brown sugar in a sauce pan and heat until the sugar has dissolved.  Now, the problem here is I have no measurements for you.  I just made it up.  I'd say about 2 Tbs butter, a little less then 1/4 cup Beam, 2 Tbs brown sugar, 1/8 tsp vanilla and 1/2 tsp cinnamon and nutmeg should do it. .

Saute peaches for about 5 minutes.  Pour peaches and sauce over ice cream.  Or pour almond milk over peaches.  Your choice.  Drizzle with honey and you're done!
UPDATE: I made this again. Forget what I said about using vanilla extract. Use a vanilla bean. It's more expensive but so, so worth it. I put it over ice cream this time.  Lastly, my boyfriend changed the name to "Drunk Peaches."  I think that covers all the changes.


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